Motion Builder

 Bclark Reply animstate 

Just got an email at Rigging Dojo about learning Motion Builder and Motion Capture editing and retargeting from a new animator wanting to buy some of our training ( he is recently out of school)

[6:28 AM]

here is what I sent him

If you just got out of school I would say the MotionBuilder Keyframe Animator Quickstart is a great place to start to really understand MotionBuilder and make sense of some of the other learning sources for free.


There are lots of videos here and A LOT Of content, not all of it is the fastest way to do it but he covers good workflow and tips.

The ones you will want to look at

Working with optical data

Motionbuilder Tutorial: Preparing Motion Capture for Processing onto a game character

For more Animation and editing modern tools and workflow from a fantastic animator Advanced tool to do no slip motion blending. (this goes great with the Animation Keyframe Quickstart video) and then last for now Motionbuilder Mocap Clean-Up for Games and Simon did a great talk while showing Maya gives you a strong foundation on editing and animating If you do find you need to have more control over the rigging process and are having to do more complex edits, want to be able to setup and rig or deal with hard problems you can't solve then you will want to pay for the Rigging and Retarget Workshop on our Rigging Dojo site. But it won't be of as much value to you until you go through the other links and really work through it. There are many videos and sources of content on MotionBuilder but I can't recommend really any other ones, there are many that take the wrong path.


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